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"Best Media Communication" Awards

      In the framework of the project: “Integrating the anti-corruption agenda of civil society into the legislative agenda”, supported by Rule of Law program, USAID, CPII aimed at generating synergetic confluence between the efforts of MP-s and civil society actors in addressing corruptive phenomena, utilizing mass media as locus of interaction.

 CPII facilitated the introduction of the civil society anticorruption agenda to the MP’s and representatives of the Government through at list 50 TV interviews (mainly grantees of the Rule of Law program of USAID). At list 10 important anti-corruption civil society initiatives were introduced to the media debate of the day.

Their interviews in media were analyzed very carefully by the most prominent media communication experts in Albania. Ten indicators were developed in the framework of this project to assess and evaluate the media communication performance of the civil society actors targeted by this project.

Based on these indictors, and the evaluation results, CPII awarded “best  media communication” prizes in a special ceremony organized and aired live in prime time in News 24 TV. Three civil society representatives and three lawmakers were selected to receive these awards, aiming at promoting communication through the media as well as dialogue and constructive debate of public actors, especially during legislative process, in order to generate and integrate all valuable inputs in legislation passed by the Parliament.  



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National media campaign
Entry into force of "ANTI-TOBACCO" law,
Ministry of Health, IPH
May - July 2007

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National media campaign: “Don't suffer in silence“,
WHO, National Association of Pain, Ministry of Labor
November, 2007

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National media campaign "Mobile phone seriousely damages your pocket",
July, 2006

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National media campaign “Living without pain is a human right“
WHO, National Association of Pain, Ministry of Labor
October-November, 2006