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The Justice Journalists Forum, founded on February 2nd, 2009, under direct custody of the Center for Public Information Issues (according to article 12, letter b of its statute), dedicates itself to strengthening an independent judiciary and a free press, the safeguards without which there would be no democracy in Albania.

The Justice Journalists Forum will commit itself to provide the appropriate atmosphere for continuing debates and discussions among journalists and judges on the relationship between the two. Clearly, both sides have a keen interest in improving understanding of the other’s challenges.

The Justice Journalists Forum will commit itself to create special activities involving both the judiciary and the media to facilitate the understanding and appreciation each has for the other’s responsibilities, including training-seminars for judges to learn more about the media and its operations and how to deal with the media in given circumstances and training-seminars for journalists, particularly journalists newly assigned the legal beat and journalism students seeking to specialize in legal reporting.

The Justice Journalists Forum will have succeeded if, through its work, journalists better understand the inherent ethical limitations on the judiciary obligated to ensure the fundamental fairness of the trials.

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Entry into force of "ANTI-TOBACCO" law,
Ministry of Health, IPH
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