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Awards ceremony

On July 29th, 2007, which corresponded to the closure date of the parliamentary sesion, a special ceremony was held to prize “Best Media Communication” awards. These awards aim to promote communication through the media as well as dialogue and constructive debate of public actors, especially during legislative process, in order to generate and integrate all valuable inputs in legislation passed by the Parliament. 

Three representatives respectively from civil society and lawmakers were selected to receive the awards based on genuine indicators, developed by Prof Dr Artan Fuga, in the framework of this projects. Upon application of these indicators, it resulted that those to be awarded had demonstrated the highest media performance, communication skills, cooperation among themselves in fostering, etc…          

Civil Society representatives

Special Award


Civil Society representatives

Kreshnik Spahiu, executive director, Citizens Advocacy Office, CAO, receiving the golden award with the dedication: "Citizens' voice in promoting the Rule of Law"

Zef Preci, executive director, Albanian center for Economic Research, ACER, receiving the silver award with the dedication: “For a wellfare state serving its own citizens”

Kristaq Kume, executive director, ISIZMI receiving the bronze award with the dedication: “For a functioning Democracy based on free and fair elections"


Lawmakers (MPs)

Vali Leskaj, MP, Chairwoman of Parliamentary Commision for Media and Education (Socialist Party), receiving the golden award with the dedication:
“For providing hight access to legislativ process for all interest gropus"

Preç Zogaj, Chairman of Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs, (Democratic Party), receiving the silver award with the dedication:
“For a distingueshed sense of moderation in political and legislative debate"

Lajla Pernaska, MP, member of Parliamentary Commision for Helth (Republican Party), receiving the bronze award with the dedication: “For a very strong coopertion with civil society in drafting legislation"


Special Award

Z. Endri Shabani, Students' Parliament, receiving the special award with the dedication: “The Future of Civil Society"


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National media campaign
Entry into force of "ANTI-TOBACCO" law,
Ministry of Health, IPH
May - July 2007

Watch TV spot >>

National media campaign: “Don't suffer in silence“,
WHO, National Association of Pain, Ministry of Labor
November, 2007

Watch TV spot >>

National media campaign "Mobile phone seriousely damages your pocket",
July, 2006

Watch TV spot >>

National media campaign “Living without pain is a human right“
WHO, National Association of Pain, Ministry of Labor
October-November, 2006