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The Center for Public Information Issues, CII, established since 22/09/2004, is an independent institute, non-for-profit, which purpose is to promote freedom of information, transparency and good-governance, through increasing public access to official acts and documents. Information is power and we want citizens to fully exercise such power as it is guaranteed to them by the Albanian Constitution (article 23/1)

Meanwhile, CPII dedicates itself to improve and promote an efficient state publication system. CPII carries full competence and expertise (more that 4 years now) in monitoring consistency of Official Journal (Gazette) in the Republic of Albania. Publication of laws and other normative acts in the Official Journal presumes that everyone is informed of these acts. The state accomplishes its constitutional and legal obligation by publishing its own norms if expecting from its citizens and its component institutions to respect and implement the laws and bylaws.

The state obligation to publish its legal and administrative acts (passive information) and the public right to information (active information) are stipulated almost simultaneously by the Albanian legislator, respectively by the law 8502 and 8503. These two laws define CPII’s action legitimacy.

We believe that access to information, including official acts database, is a freedom that extends to everyone — not just to those who have the time, expertise and persistence to find it on their own. CPII advocates publication of each and every official document in official website of the relevant state institution.

The Center for Public Information Issues, CPII, as a specialized operator of civil society, visualizes its role as loupe in the hand of the public, to see more in depth of the democratic institutions. The graphic logo of the Center is drown upon this conception: a loupe above a triangle structure, that represents the three branches of power: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. 




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National media campaign
Entry into force of "ANTI-TOBACCO" law,
Ministry of Health, IPH
May - July 2007

Watch TV spot >>

National media campaign: “Don't suffer in silence“,
WHO, National Association of Pain, Ministry of Labor
November, 2007

Watch TV spot >>

National media campaign "Mobile phone seriousely damages your pocket",
July, 2006

Watch TV spot >>

National media campaign “Living without pain is a human right“
WHO, National Association of Pain, Ministry of Labor
October-November, 2006